Is There One Solution for Marketing?

Nope. Just like there’s no pill that will turn someone from the Nutty Professor into Buddy Love. However, there will be a primary way to market your business. You always need to have multiple poles in the water to see what bites.

Why Isn’t There One Solution?

Times change rapidly. There’s too many factors in play when it comes to marketing. You have social media, technology, target audience preferences, industry, budgets, and more, all playing a factor in which avenue you choose. At the end of the day, it comes down to common sense. Do you want to put all your eggs in one basket? That method could get you crushed. Now, you’re updating your resume instead of diving through your pile of money like Scrooge McDuck. The problem really isn’t searching for one-solution, but which ones are the best for my business?

The ONE Marketing Method Everyone Should Be Doing

Each and everyone of us should be using content marketing. It’s the cheapest and one of the most effective forms of marketing. Content marketing is providing tips, tools, and strategies that directly benefit your client. It helps position you as the best solution.

The easiest way to create a content marketing program is to think about: what problems do people usually come to you to solve? For instance, if you’re a plumber, you can talk about things not to pour down a drain. While that may sound counterproductive because they won’t call you now, that’s only at first. Eventually, they will get into a situation where they really need a plumber and because of all the tips you’ve given them—they have you and your expertise in mind—and they call you. Content marketing does the selling for you. When a person calls you and says they follow you on LKNConnect, YouTube, Facebook or read your blog, shut up and close the sale. They’ve just qualified you.

Picking What’s Right For You

Who are your best clients? Where are they throughout the day? What are they looking at? Where do your main competitors advertise? What things have worked for you in the past? What places online do you find people engaging with you the most? What sphere business relationships can I leverage? (See The Fastest Way to Grow Your Client Base) How do most of your clients find you?

The answers to these questions indicate the places you can market your business. Pick three places or methods to market your business that you feel you will get the most engagement. Create unique offers for each of them, with a deadline, call to action, and run the campaigns. Track the results, which is always important. The areas that get you the most engagement are the one(s) you double down on and make your primary marketing method.

Be aware of emerging technologies and platforms that you could take advantage of to either create more sales or lower your client acquisition cost. Try them out and let me know what works or doesn’t for you. Until next time I wish you much success transforming your business into an amazing brand.
