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Three Keys to Getting New Business: “Like” – Pt. 2 of 3

This article is the 2nd part in a series of three articles on Getting New Business. Read part 1 on how you can get your clients to know you and in two weeks read part 3 on how you can get them to trust you. — EH Stafford, Managing Editor

Getting your clients to LIKE you

The last article examined the first part of winning new business — getting a client to know your brand. However, you can know someone and still not like them. In fact, what you know about them may be the reason why you don’t like them. I had a client like that, and I fired them. So liberating, but I digress. Nonetheless, what do you need to do as a business to get clients to like your brand?

Truth be told they shouldn’t just like you, they should be stark raving fans. That’s when you have a brand and not a business. Recall the social experiment Burger King did when they took away The Whopper. People freaked out! How do you build that kind of brand loyalty?

Be human

Never forget how important the human touch is. It nurtures and strengthens relationships. One of my brands is in the funeral industry. There are so many stories of funeral homes and other businesses fleecing people of their money at vulnerable times. We sought to change that by making sure we’re human first. It’s incorporated in what we say to families, the words in our emails, how we listen, our patience, advice, and policies.

To this day, I’ll never forget what one family wrote on our website:

“At a time in your life where you need people to be as understanding and as helpful as they possibly can be, you are unfortunately forced to deal with these horrible money-hungry people. But you were by far, the most caring, thoughtful and helpful person I dealt with and I dealt with a lot of people! For that I am forever grateful. Not only were you all of those wonderful things as a professional, but also as a person. Honestly, that is the part that means the most.”

This is why we do it and why families come back to us an average of three times. People do business with people. Remember that and do the next thing.

Show your face

Admittedly, this is hard for me because I’m an introvert. But there’s a reason why people prefer using local businesses over ones farther away. They know who they’re doing business with. They know who they’re supporting. That only happens when you show your face.

The best way to do that is through videos.

They don’t have to be studio quality 4K. Just film yourself talking about your story, how you solve their problem, tips, and more. This is why YouTube exploded. Regular people sharing unabashedly.

Is there something you explain to people over and over?

Make a video addressing it and watch how many more do business with you.

Trick of the trade—Personality

When we do Brand Discovery for clients one of the questions we ask, is what is the personality of the brand? People gravitate toward others with similar traits. Brands are no different. Find your brand personality and you’ll take the next step to transforming your business into an amazing brand.

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Hands and Face courtesy Pixabay.com